16 Aug

A holiday with a difference in the UK

So many of us have had holidays cancelled or delayed over the last two years due to Covid and lockdown. Now that many restrictions have been lifted, holidays can finally commence once again, but with lots of rules and regulations still in place for holidays abroad, many people are still choosing to stay in the UK.

If you are looking for a holiday with a bit of a difference, then you need to explore adventure holidays. It could be that you have spent years going on holidays that involve lazing on the beach or lounging by the pool and feel like you need a break that is going to excite you and even challenge you a bit.

Adventure holidays come in all shapes and sizes and what may seem like an adventure to one person can be another person’s nightmare, so they really must be bespoke. It could be that going on a holiday where you can go sight seeing to a historical place is enough of an adventure to you or perhaps you want to go that bit further and book a high ropes adventure or a scuba diving experience.

You can often combined adventure with relaxation types holidays and have the best of both worlds.

18 Jul

How to stay safe if you do decide to go abroad this year

The government advise and rules regarding travel abroad is constantly changing and no one knows exactly what the situation is likely to be in a few weeks or months. If you have a holiday book abroad later this year you may well find that many of the restrictions have been lifted and you can go without too much hassle. You do however need to check what the current rules are in the country that you are going to as it could be quite different from ours. Some countries may even restrict travel into the country from the UK. You may still require a test when you land in the country too.

It is important to try and stay safe when abroad. You need to use some common sense and ensure that you regularly wash your hands. You should also continue to use hand sanitiser where you can but be sure not to have it in your hand luggage as it is flammable and is not permitted in hand luggage on a plane. Make sure that you have insurance in place that will cover you should you become ill and need to return home or require medical treatment abroad.

17 Jun

Will the Covid vaccine make the way for more holiday abroad?

Many people are wondered exactly when all restrictions on travel are likely to end. Even when other restrictions get lifted in this country, it is likely that travel restrictions will stick around for a bit longer and we obviously have no idea what the rules and regulations will be for other countries that we wish to visit. The government are keen to allow people to go on holiday again as soon as possible but they are concerned about other variants being bought in to the country.

At the moment there is a traffic light system in place for travel. Each country is assigned a colour depending on the risk – Red, Amber and Green. There are currently very few countries on the green list and this is also changing with some being removed that were previously ok to visit. The amber list requires you to isolate upon return and the red list should not be travelled to at all but if you do you will have to isolate in a quarantine hotel at a cost. The government are now looking at if they could allow travel to and from amber countries with no quarantine restrictions for those that have received both of their vaccinations. This is still in debate at the moment and there is a lot to consider.