11 Aug

Booking your honeymoon

There is nothing better after planning a wedding than being able to go off on an amazing honeymoon. Planning a wedding can be extremely stressful and puts a lot of pressure on a couple, so a honeymoon can be the perfect time to unwind and spend some quality time together that doesn’t involve discussing your guest list.

Planning where to go on your honeymoon will depend on what you want to do and what time of year you want to go. If for example you are planning a winter wedding but want to go on a honeymoon that is going to be hot then you may need to either book a holiday in the Caribbean or delay the honeymoon for a few months until spring time.

There are so many pre made honeymoon holidays you can chose but they do tend to put the prices up a little bit. You may be better just finding a holiday you like and then adding in trips or extras to make it even more special. This is often a cheaper way of getting the holiday you want whilst it still being a little different to a usual holiday.