06 Oct

Holidays on your doorstep

It is often said that we do not fully appreciate our local surroundings choosing instead to travel miles and miles to other locations to spend our leisure time but what about spending time a bit nearer to home and exploring some of the attractions and locations on our doorsteps.

The advantage to keeping it local is that it can be cheaper as often an overnight stay is not necessary although there is nothing wrong with staying in a local hotel or guest house nearby especially if you are planning to dine out and drink during the evening. Local attractions sometimes offer special rates for locals, so it is well worth inquiring about this.

Another advantage to holidaying more locally is that travel time is reduced giving you more time to enjoy the attractions on offer, it may also be possible to visit more than one location in a day. For those who do not relish a long car journey this is a bonus.

It is important to support local businesses now more than ever and so holidaying locally is a good opportunity to do so. By visiting the tourist information website for the area, a whole range of attractions can be found perhaps some that you were not even aware of.